Initial Thoughts on the Nokia N810
As you know by now I was lucky to be invited to the N810 launch last week and additionally have one to play with and test prior to the official launch in a few weeks time.
I would first like to thank WomWorld for their amazing invitation to be part of such exciting release! Through their relationship with Nokia, Reggie, Daniel and I were able to gain VIP access to the product managers as well as quite a few other members of the Nokia N-Series and Converged Device groups. This was a terrific experience for all of us as their was plenty to learn from everyone!
The Tablet … WOW!
Let me just say I am in love with this new device! The N810’s we have are still considered pre-production, but are very close to release and are very polished. The build quality feels outstanding and while there’s a certain heft to the N810, it is by no means heavy, but feels solid in your hand. The metal body is smaller than previous tablets but still retains the great screen we’ve grown accustomed to from the original 770. Now, however the screen is readable in direct sunlight and actually brighter than the N800’s.
When you slide the screen upwards to reveal the keyboard, you get a very satisfying click as it settles into place. The N810 is easily held in one or both hands in either slate or open modes and when closed it easily slides into your front pant pocket or nicely inside a jacket.
Button arrangement is a bit different as has been the case with each successor in the Internet Tablet line. There’s a hardware slider which lets you lock and unlock the device if you choose to keep things in slate mode. When you slide the tablet open, it will unlock automatically. Closing it however, does not lock it back so something to take note of if you are quickly dropping it into the sleeve and into your pocket. The zoom keys on the top left are now separated from the fullscreen button and the power button is alone in the middle on the top side.
Using the N810
Startup times seem much quicker than my recently reflashed N800… Not sure why that is, but it’s appreciated nonetheless. I don’t really turn the tablet off very often, but if you are “one of those” it’s ready very quickly.
The Home screen is gorgeous! The two included themes include transparent applets and the area itself is live, meaning you can move things around at will. You will most likely do this by accident as we all did at first. There’s been suggestions to enable a lock feature, but I am not sure that will happen for release. I actually like it now that I know things can just move…
In general, performance of the N810 feels snappier than the N800. There have been some optimizations with regard to the CPU utilization as well as I am sure to the OS which are helping here.
One major difference in this tablet is obviously the keyboard and as a result the on-screen keyboard has been deactivated by default. While I initially turned this back on since that’s where I was most comfortable, I’ve since deactivated it and have been working only with the real thing.
While you are not free from the stylus just yet, a great deal of work has been done to emphasize finger tapping in addition and the more I’ve used the N810 over the past few days the less I’ve sought the stylus in open mode. As things are not totally finger optimized (open menus in applications) in slate mode, the stylus makes good sense, particularly in clicking links in the browser.
The Full internet in your pocket!
A great deal of work has been done on this machine and the OS2008 release to enable the full power of the CPU as it directly relates to your browsing experience. You don’t have to seek out a mobile web page unless that’s your preference as you’ll be able to view any site you want. I don’t think it’s a coincidence (anyone remember the iPhone launch?) that Facebook is a default bookmark, and it’s not some special version of Facebook, it’s the full version with all your applications running as you know they do from your desktop. Wow!
The Flash 9 plugin and the Mozilla based browser (which needs a branded name) can take on just about anything. My only issue to date has unfortunately been Google Reader which is a site I spend a great deal of time on… My guess is that the real issue is my decision to try and track close to 1200 feeds. I’m in the process of drastically pruning this and will report back.
YouTube, Check! No need to work around YouTube if you get a link, it plays just fine - seriously. The video quality is really nice and you can also choose to view the YouTube mobile version and see things in H.264 if you like.
What’s else is new?
Hardware basics … GPS, Transflective and brighter screen, MiniSD, MicroUSB, the button arrangement and a programable LED. Full specs are on the Nokia site.
My experience with the GPS has been limited based on some issues I’ve had getting a connection with the sky. After waiting for close to 10 minutes I paired my Nokia LD-3W and it connected cold (battery was even dead) a few moments after it powered on and paired. I’m hoping that the GPS issues is a pre-release problem. While you can get better battery life and signal with an external GPS, all in one is very convenient.
The GPS antenna is apparently located on the top front left corner …
The keyboard has taken a couple of days to get comfortable, but I am now able to type quite quickly now without making too many mistakes. There are no raised bumps on the F and J keys as you usually see on keyboards so getting started in a low light situation may be tricky, but once you get going and the backlight activates it’s no problem at all.
The keyboard really makes a difference in email too - I’ve been zipping through Gmail with keyboard shortcuts and can easily compose replies and new messages on the go. Once a few applications are compiled the tablet will be a great mobile note taking and mobile blogging (WordPY!)solution as well.
Software… available in OS2008 and soon for the N800 as well
- Panels are the new way applications are arranged in groups. You can change things around of course to your liking.
- Active Applications give you much more of a view into what’s happening. You can see multiple IM indicators as well as a bunch of new mail messages from within the floating display.
- There’s something called Tray Balloons (think that’s the official name - I saw it referenced in XChat) which float over full screen mode windows or highlight in the lower left corner in window mode. These can indicate new messages from IM, Mail and IRC Missed calls etc… I have a feeling we’ll see others as applications are updated for this new OS.
- Backup and Restore has been significantly enhanced. While it still does not automatically restore your applications, all the source info is retained which should make it considerably easier to re-install. We discussed this quickly with the product managers and they indicated much had been done, but it is still moving towards a more ideal scenario. You can now Backup and Restore email messages, Doc and Media files, settings, bookmarks, contacts and your applications list. Upon restore, you are suppose to see any repositories you had installed and from the applications manager any app that had been installed in this way. If you installed from the terminal or via a .deb, you are out of luck in this process for the time being.
- The media player now contains an Internet Radio directory which is managed by Nokia. You can browse by genre or even country and find something good to hear. Anything you bookmark is added to your home screen applet. Out of the box, there are five BBC radio stations programmed and ready to go.
- Speaking of Media, the codec support has been greatly enhanced and you can now plan to enjoy MP4 as well as WMV video for the first time.
- Applications — Because the new OS 2008 contains many under the hood changes, developers need to recompile in order to release and thus far this has understandably not happened en-masse. I’ve installed and tried FBReader, XChat and Maemopad+. I am really looking forward to getting some oldies back as well as seeing what new treats arrive. The GPS has an API which will hopefully lead to some location aware / presence applications (Ovi Anyone?). Once python gets released this coming week, we should see the return of quite a few N800 applications as well.
Stock applications include Skype, Rhapsody, Gizmo as well as a few games (Chess, Blocks, Mahjong and Marbles). The terminal application is also included which is great as I’ve certainly had to install it on previous devices and have needed it for various activities. Based on recent Nokia announcements as well as known partnerships, I think we’ll see Devicescape, Boingo and MP3Tunes at the very least in the Tableteer site, if not as ready to install pieces on launch.
The Nokia N810 is a worthy successor to the Internet Tablet line and something I think a lot of people will really enjoy. I feel like I’ve written quite the long post here, but yet have only scratched the surface. I’m working on some video and will have that shortly to share as well.
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Initial N810 Thoughts… said,
October 21, 2007 at 10:52 pm
[…] just posted my initial thoughts on the Nokia N810 over on the MaemoApps site… head over and let me know what you think or if you’ve got any questions […]
Roland Tanglao said,
October 21, 2007 at 11:02 pm
excellent overview!
Jonathan Greene said,
October 21, 2007 at 11:09 pm
Thanks Roland! It’s a really nice piece of kit … I’ll have some video hopefully tomorrow if all goes as planned…
Jani Helle said,
October 21, 2007 at 11:44 pm
Any chance the 3.5mm TV Out plug that came with the N95 works with the N810? I’ve found that it atleast works with various mp3 players (Creative, iPod). Being able to use a HD tv screen with the N810 would be killer!
There was also talk of MOSH being possibly somehow integrated into the N810 (the press release where we prematurely found out the name of the N810). Any hints to this being present in any form?
With the ability to view YouTube videos being (possibly) the biggest lure for the average consumer, there’s being much talk about it. I’ve seen a few videos of this in practice already but one aspect has still been left in the dark: is it possible to view YouTube videos in full screen mode, as is possible on a desktop?
And finally, great review! Looking forward to more!
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:01 am
OK - I just tested the N95 Video cable… seems to only offer audio on my Sony Bravia.
Tested YouTube and you can tap the fullscreen button in the video player … works quite well.
No signs of Mosh.
Initial Thoughts on the Nokia N810 | TheNokiaPhoneBlog.info said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:02 am
[…] After waiting for close to 10 minutes I paired my Nokia LD-3W and it connected cold (battery was even dead) a few moments after it powered on and paired. I’m hoping that the GPS issues is a pre-release problem. … Read More […]
kkpaul said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:21 am
GGreat overview! In a previous overview (your FAQ) you said the N810 powers up muc h
slower than the 800… This time you say the direct oposite: It powers up faster! Whats true now?
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:24 am
@kkpaul I did? It’s definitely faster than the N800 in all regards… Thanks!
Jeb said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:30 am
Is there a word processor on there? Will Google Pages (I think that’s what it’s called) their word processor work on it?
Helmuth said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:34 am
I am new to the Nokia Nseries.
My question is Can you edit Microsoft office doc?
Thank you
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:44 am
There’s no office suite or PIM suite on board, but web apps like Google Docs work great. You can forward an attachment to yourself via Google and view and edit without issue.
urho konttori said,
October 22, 2007 at 1:50 am
I added python 2.5 beta install file to my garage account in case you want to start testing python on the device.
Mox Fulder said,
October 22, 2007 at 3:19 am
Thanks for the overview ! Just a question, can you try Google Calendar ? It is my primary agenda and I hope it’s working on the n810 !
New Media player codecs and RM files. - Internet Tablet Talk Forums said,
October 22, 2007 at 4:23 am
CasdraBlog » Blog Archive » links for 2007-10-22 said,
October 22, 2007 at 7:21 am
[…] Featured Maemo Apps » Initial Thoughts on the Nokia N810 Ugh - this combined with the iTouch…well, I really should not have gotten an N800. (tags: nokia800) […]
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 7:34 am
@Mox - Google calendar works fine… in both full and mobile versions.
Nseries WOM World » Blog Archive » Initial thoughts on N810 said,
October 22, 2007 at 8:09 am
[…] at Maemo Apps, Jonathan Greene has been extensively testing his Beta N810 device, and provides a detailed breakdown of all aspects and it’s fair to say he […]
timsamoff said,
October 22, 2007 at 8:58 am
Thanks, Jonathan… Now, I’m even more jealous.
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 10:30 am
@tim - You’re going to love this one… very polished and solid.
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 11:44 am
@urho I’ve tried clicking to add the Python repository, it’s giving me back a text page. I’ll have to add things manually…
PS_p-s said,
October 22, 2007 at 11:50 am
It would be very interesting for me to know how “MobilePublisher” ( http://mpub.mobi ) looks like on Nokias N810. Since I don’t have such a device, may I ask someone here to give me some feedback about the browsing-experience???
You find the contact-form on “MobilePublisher”, the first MoZine_3.0 about Mobile Web! -> http://mpub.mobi/contact
Thank you very much for your effort !!!
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 11:57 am
@PS - It looks fine. Your site is not complex and loads quickly, though I don’t speak German, and perhaps am missing some controversy.
Mr Pedersen said,
October 22, 2007 at 12:36 pm
Please keep us posted on the Google Reader issue. That would be my main reason to buy this tablet.
Jani Helle said,
October 22, 2007 at 1:31 pm
I’m intending on buying the N810 to use as my primary blogging tool (I use Wordpress.com), as I’m rarely infront of a computer, and the N95 doesn’t really cut it. With this in mind, I’ve got a few (more) related questions:
-Is it possible to highlight and copy text off a website?
-Do WYSIWYG editors work properly?
-Are there any offline word processing apps (onboard or third-party), even as simple as the Notes app on S60 devices, with which to type up a post before publishing?
-Does the java-based uploading of photos to Facebook and Twango work? What about producing shows on Kyte.tv?
-Is it a plausible idea or an overwhelming task to use the N810’s QWERTY keyboard to type out lengthy blog posts (keeping in mind that I do that right now on the N95…)?
-And finally, you being a blogger yourself, would you recommend using the N810 for online and offline blogging? Or am I on a wild goose chase here? =)
Oh, and sorry about the barrage of questions (bored at work…)!
Nokia unveils Linux-powered N810 Internet Tablet said,
October 22, 2007 at 2:55 pm
yerga said,
October 22, 2007 at 3:02 pm
Nice review. We expect further comments.
I am working on porting Wordpy to OS2008 and also will be a new version with enhancements in the UI (I think), will be more finger friendly: menus and toolbar, and with more space to write.
With the keyboard of the N810, it will be great to write articles on Maemo Wordpy and much faster.
Only one question:
Does the Browser responds well before it fully load a page or must load first?
biskero.org said,
October 22, 2007 at 3:25 pm
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 3:45 pm
@Mr Pedersen Google Reader is slow to load, but works when it’s up. Of course the mobile version works great and you can also use Readermini.com which will pull in your feeds easily.
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 3:47 pm
@Jani Helle You can easily blog to WordPress via Maemo WordPy which will need to be updated (as noted now above) for the latest OS, but works great! You can select text on a page without too much of an issues, but there’s no java on this unit so I am not sure about using site tools that depend on that. You can use Bluetooth to grab a file from your phone and send it from a website though … I’ve done that to YouTube before with the N800 and N93 phone.
My preference is to compose offline and then post. WordPy works great for this, but you could also use a text editor and paste into the browser if that was your preference.
Jonathan Greene said,
October 22, 2007 at 3:49 pm
@yerga I certainly look forward to your update! Finger friendly buttons and menus will be great! I hope other developers do the same…
The browser does seem to load first and on a more complex page it might pause a moment, but essentially works just fine.
TheOpenForce.com: Nokia N810 and Maemo Developer Program said,
October 22, 2007 at 4:33 pm
YakYak :: View topic - Nokia N800/N810 tablet info said,
October 22, 2007 at 5:51 pm
Initial Thoughts on the Nokia N810 | TheNokiaPhoneBlog.info said,
October 23, 2007 at 12:34 am
[…] Through their relationship with Nokia, Reggie, Daniel and I were able to gain VIP access to the product managers as well as quite a few other members of the Nokia N-Series and Converged Device groups. This was a terrific experience for … Read More […]
Susie said,
October 23, 2007 at 2:31 am
I haven’t used either the N800 or the 770 before, but I’m very interested in getting an N810. One of my concerns is that I visit a lot of Korean and Japanese sites - is it possible to install additional languages to the tablet/browser, or is it that whole region specific deal as in Nokia product codes?
Jani Helle said,
October 23, 2007 at 5:47 am
This question is more directed at the N800, which lacks the GPS of the N810. If the N800 supports an external bluetooth receiver, is it possible to use the internal GPS of the N95 over bluetooth? It’s external, it’s a GPS receiver, and it has bluetooth… Just wondering…
Forum.ArchosFans.com :: View topic - Nokia N810 said,
October 23, 2007 at 7:19 am
vrypan|net|weblog » πρώτες εντυπώσεις από το N810 said,
October 23, 2007 at 9:30 am
[…] Featured Maemo Apps παρουσιάζει τις πρώτες εντυπώσεις από το Nokia N810. Αρκετές πληροφορίες και video, όπως αυτό, θα […]
Nokia N810 - Sivu 4 - MATKAPUHELINFOORUMI said,
October 23, 2007 at 11:04 am
Jonathan Greene said,
October 23, 2007 at 12:46 pm
@Jani Helle It’s not currently possible to use the N95’s GPS on the Tablet, but I have the Nokia LD-3W GPS and it works great — actually it works great on the N810 as well.
Hans said,
October 23, 2007 at 2:25 pm
Thank you for working hard to provide us with an execelent review
Two simple questions:
1. Can I edit word and exel documents offline??
2. Can I copy and Paste???
Thank you again.
Jonathan Greene said,
October 23, 2007 at 2:25 pm
@Susie you can choose your region and language but the country in which you buy it will determine the keyboard layout… I don’t have that much experience with this personally, but I believe that to be the case.
Jonathan Greene said,
October 23, 2007 at 2:32 pm
@Hans There is no real office suite here, but you can creative with the Google Docs via email. That works quite well actually right in the browser. AbiWord should be able to assist with Word and I know there’s a spreadsheet app, but I have not used them.
Copy and Past is quite simple to do with the keyboard or via a menu.
bjoern kaas said,
October 24, 2007 at 3:00 am
hi jonathan,
just a question about the fm-tuner. as far as i know there is no fm-tuner (like in n800) on board. but it would be nice to know, for those who´ll update their n800 to the new os, if the fm-tuner software will still be available and working.
regards from hamburg, GER